About Andrew Long

Hello there! My name is Andrew Long. I’m a Los Angeles native, and I write sales copy for small businesses & B2B companies who want to increase their sales and build a stronger brand.

How I became a copywriter (A short personal story)

When I was seven, my parents staked their fortunes – and our future – on a new business. They struggled for four years. They went bankrupt. Divorced. Then, many hungry days and nights followed for quite a long time. And that was my introduction to learning just how much can depend on the success of a business …and what disasters can hit you if you fail.

After that experience, I wanted to discover the secrets of making a business a success …if only to avoid going hungry again.

Many years later, I discovered that like many answers in life – it’s complicated. But a MAJOR part of a company’s success is good marketing and sales. Marketing generates qualified leads that are ready to buy soon and hands them over to sales. Sales closes them, and the checks get cashed. And they both need a mountain of written, persuasive text – copy – to drive results. So I learned the craft of advertising copywriting to get the results every business needs – more qualified leads, more credibility, and more sales.

So what’s at stake for you?

While my copywriting service is all about increasing your company’s revenue, I know that it means more than just having more money (though that’s nice too). It might very well mean your marriage survives, you keep your house, and your kids go to bed with full stomachs. It might also mean that you can fund your retirement, or help achieve your ambitions.

Or, at the very least, you can make payroll for the month.

A lot rides on the success of your business, so you need every advantage you can get to increase your revenues.

To build up your brand name, and increase your sales volume, do these first

First, look at the sales copy on your brochures. Do they have the exact same promises your competitors also make? Are they full of vague, abstract, or cryptic words? And do they make you cringe? Then your brochures are undermining your brand name and costing you sales. Get that fixed first.

Contact me for that

Next, strengthen your credibility by writing at least two (I say three) case studies on your happy customers. With those case studies in your marketing and sales toolbox, you can shorten sales cycles, and bigger contracts get easier to land. And you might even get the media to cover you.

Reach out to me for that

Once you’ve got some serious credibility behind you, then you can go expand your prospecting activities. And a classic way to do that is with an email marketing campaign!

Contact me for that

What to do next

Dust off that brochure rewrite project and reach out to your happy customers. Then, fill out the form below, and let’s talk about your situation – at no obligation, of course.